Sunday, 28 October 2012

Hundreds and hundreds of buttons...

I love the idea that by crafting that you can turn something from mass produced to unique and personal.  Although I am a little bit of an Ikea addict, (loves me a good Ikea trip) I am also a great believer in personalising your home and making your space your own. I hate when you see people's homes looking like a catelogue page with no personality; so I always try to put some element of my personality into the places I live.
I have recently redecorated my room to neutral it out but I need to put a little more interesting stuff back into the room. So I have all these buttons to use up and lots of ideas to play with!

The buttons are left over from this little project, so what do I make with them?

A rainbow?

A cute card? Maybe an idea to save up for Christmas?


Maybe a cushion cover?

I actually love this idea too. I went to The Deep in Hull recently and they had a whole exhibition of pictures like these. The artist had created picutrs from old toy soliders, beer bottles tops, and buttons too. I found this image at, love it!

So I think my plan is to find a cheap lamp shade somewhere and cover it with buttons for the lampshade in my room. I already have a plain shade but think I will get a new one for two reasons 
  1. I will probably go wrong at some point and I don't want to ruin a good lampshade.
  2. I want the plain shade kept for another time. I am planning a new house move so what to keep the plain shade in case the buttons clash with my new digs. 
So the next decision is how to attach the buttons on to the lampshade, I think they will probably be sewn on but I may create a frame with wire to hold them away from the lampshade its self.  I'll let you know what happens when I give it a go!

Happy Crafting
L x

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